Sunday, June 10, 2007

Accelerade/Enderox/Accel Gels

Is anyone interested in placing another bulk order of the Accelerade and/or Endurox and/or Gels?

6 cases of any combination = no shipping. Otherwise it ranges from $11-20/case for shipping.

If you want to get to the free shipping without getting as much, we could get the smaller servings.

Here are the team prices:
Accelerade (fruit punch, orange, lemon lime, blue raspberry, lemonade)
- 30 servings $79.50 for case of 6
- 60 servings $135.00 for case of 6
Endurox (fruit punch, tangy orange, lemon lime, vanilla, chocolate)
- 14 servings $96.00 for case of 6
- 28 servings $162.00 for case of 6
Accel Gel (strawberry kiwi, chocolate, citrus orange, raspberry cream, key lime)
- 24/box $64.60 for case of 4 boxes

Let me know if you have any interest or thoughts on any other product at a reasonable price...or nothing at all


Greg said...

I am definitely interested in all three. I would like to get the order in time for the Michigan trip.

Roark said...

Let me check what I have in the deep freeze. I know I am up for more gels. Rasperry cream sound interesting.

Bill D. said...

I have plenty of Accelerade still. Put me down for 2 boxes of gels if that's possible. Key Lime and Strawberry Kiwi.

Ron said...

I would like 1 Accelerade-orange
and 2 boxes of gels-strawberry kiwi.


hillclimber said...

I would go for an accelerade orange and an accelerade fruit punch.


hillclimber said...

I would want the 60 serving cans on the Accelerade.

Greg said...

I would like:
One Endurox - Fruit Punch
One Accelerade - Fruit Punch
Two Accel Gel - Either strawberry kiwi and key lime or two strawberry kiwi

Cheri said...

Here's the scoop. It looks like we only have interst for 4 cases. As far as I see it, we have a couple of options.

1. Folks can get whatever they want on their own.

2. To get 6 cases (for the free shipping), we can order 3 cases of gels (key lime, strawberry kiwi, and raspberry cream) and 3 cases of accelerade (2 fruit punch and 1 orange). We would just divide them up by 6 people (Bill, Roark, Greg, Ron, Mike, me). Each person would get 2 boxes of gels and 3 bottles of accelerade (60 servings/bottle). The total cost for each person would be $99.80.

Greg....I have a fruit punch endurox from last year if you want to buy it from me.

Please let me know what you want to do. If anyone doesn't want to do it, I think we'll probably all need to be on our own.

Let me know your thoughts.


Cheri said...

I haven't heard much from anyone regarding ordering the full six cases. Therefore, I will assume that everyone is just going to order on their own.
