Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekend Heat Wave


Oil those creaky knees. I hear we are in for a weekend heat wave!

Feb 27 Saturday
A few clouds. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the upper 20s.
Feb 28 Sunday
Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the upper 20s.

Thats right its going to be in the 40s this weekend. How about a short coffee house ride starting you know at my house. I might even share a Groupon with you! I figure thirty miles tops, just to not forget you know how to ride a bike.

I am up for either day. Lets wait till at least 10:30 to get the heat of the day. Other then that I am open to suggestions.


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Thats the sound your knees are making from lack of use. What's become of all the spandax clad folks I used to cycle with? Spring can't be that far away, so if its too cold to cycle, get on those spinning bikes.

Lets start to hear suggestions for spring rides! Summer rides! Fall rides!

Do you get the pictue, bicycle rides!

Till then you can join me at the J, where this weekend, Saturday I spun for two hours , and Sunday I spun for an hour and did weights on legs for the next hour.

Don't forget Mark is making plans for a week long bicycle ride in Maine this Summer. Right now I think its only three of us.
