Friday, September 26, 2008

City ride Saturday (9-27) at 11:00 - Mike's house

Hello all,

There will be a city ride this Saturday starting at my house at 11:00. Probably a 2 - 3 hour ride. Maybe a coffee stop too. The route will be make it up as you go along - mostly downtown, Forest Park, Tower Grove, etc. - Bike Saint Louis stuff. Maybe the riverfront trail, but I doubt it. Maybe Carondolett park too. This will be a pretty casual / relaxed ride.

I know that Tom and Sarah Perez will be there, as well as Mark, Nancy, Lynda and of course me.

Talk to you all soon,


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Save the date - sort of

Hello all,

Long time no see / hear / ride! More on that later. For now, Lynda and I were wanting to test the waters on dates for our Winter / Holiday party this year. We are looking to move it up earlier in the year this year, so we are looking at Nov 15 or Nov 22. Right now we are leaning towards Nov 15, but I wanted to see if anyone had a big conflict with one or the other.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, but hope to see most of you on the road sooner. Lynda has a new bike (a 9-speed triple with drop bars and all - the real deal!). She is wizzing around the neighborhood telling me I need to work on my drafting (me drafting her) and that my spin needs some work. So once we get a few more miles under our belt we hope to join the group for some weekend sity rides and such. More on that later too.

So let us know if one date or the other is good or bad. Mark and I were thinking we might be able to share pictures of the Blue Ridge trip and of our trip to China / Korea. I think it would be fun. We could set up a power point projector and maybe let the slides run, or something. Maybe a bit corney to all sit and watch slides, but maybe fun too.

Anyway, lots to talk about and share. I hope to be out on the bike this weekend, but I'm not sure if I'll make the Wildwood ride. But hopefully some ride some place.

Thanks all,

Mike and Lynda

Saturday, September 20, 2008

100 Miles Of Hills Finally Falls!


Yep it true. With cool weather, a few spitz of rain, and clouds blocking the sun it was a perfect day to finally put to rest the entire length of the "100 Miles of Hills Ride". Thats right after eight or so attempts the ride finally got completed.

There was St. Albans the hard way, Osenfort, Reis Road, St Paul Road, Marshal Hill, Adams, bonus climbs, even Midland and Warson. They all got climbed today from start to finish by Brian and myself.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Saturday Sept 20th and Sunday Sept 21st Rides


So here are my final ride plans for this weekend.

Saturday Brian has convinced Mark and myself for one more attempt this season of 100 Miles of Hills. I personally think the ride will go another season without ever having been ridden to completion but I am up for a try at it. The ride will be leaving my house at 8:00 am, and will pick up Mark and anyone else who cares to join at Kaldis in the valley at about 9:15 am. We will not be staying at Kaldis for breakfast to keep things moving. We will pick up some food at our first rest at the Head Store in St. Albans.

Sunday I plan to ride to Trailnet's Flat as a Floodplain Ride that's starts at the Orchard Farm High School. We officially leave from the Lopatin's at 8:00 am. Depending on my son's need to have my car on Sunday I will either be driving or riding over to the Lopatin's. It's 29 miles from the Lopatin's House to the rides official start, so we may miss official registration. We will ride the 15 mile section of Trailnet's Ride, so figure 75 miles. A food stop will occur either in New Town, or St. Charles on our way back home.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Season End's Riding Plans:


It seems with the closing of the season ride coordination is at a end as well. I am going to do my part by posting some of my upcoming plans and rides available. I hope this will motivate you to get on board and on a bike.

Saturday Sept 20th: Hostellings Dog Prairie Century: From St. Paul, on the wall because I have so much respect for this group.

Sunday Sept 21st: Trailnets Flat As A Floodplain: Riding From My House to the Start 50-85 miles depending on routes chosen.

Sunday Sept 28th: Trailnets Tour de Wildwood: Riding From Mark's House 60 miles.

Saturday Oct 4th: Hostellings Sand Creek Century: On the wall because not only do I have so much respect for this group, but I have always avoided this suffer fest.

Sunday Oct 12th: Trailnets Rider The Rivers Century: My house is on the loop, so its 100 miles starting at my house, with registration in St. Charles this year.

Oct 17th - 19th: Hilly Hundred: So far as I know, no hotel rooms have been reserved, and no one has registered.

Saturday Oct 25th: Tour De Bass in Springfield Mo, Rest Stops Every 10-12 miles, 20-100 miles. Inaugeral Ride Sponsored By Bass Pro Shops : If I can find a partner in crime I think I would like to give it a try.

Let hear your thoughts, on this list, on adding to the list and gets some rides going, or I seriously will have to re-acclimate to solo riding.
