Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sunday's Sept 30th Tour De Wildwood

It's time to plan for the weekend. I plan to ride the Tour De Wildwood on Sunday. It's a good chance to get some hills in before the Hilly Hundred. Let coordinate plans, I am up for the 48 mile route. There is of course the option to ride to, and from the start. Lets hope to stay dry this year!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sandy Creek Century


Saturday October 6 is the Sandy Creek Century. I have decided against the St. Peters fall Triathlon (on Sunday October 7) and will try the Sandy Creek Century for the first time instead. Cheri is planning to do the TrailNet Ride The Rivers Century Sunday October 7.

I am looking to see who else is considering the Sandy Creek ride.


Weekend of October 6-7


I am trying to get ahead of the game with so many ride options coming up the weekend of October 6-7.

First the Best of Missouri Market takes place that weekend at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Its a fun event, so I plan to meet my family at the Garden on Saturday October 6th to enjoy the festivial. I will be doing a city ride over to the Garden. There will be coffee stops before and after the visiting the Best of Missouri. This of course gets me out of the Sandy Creek Century one more year! See the link below for info on the Best of Missouri Market.

Second, I plan on riding Trailnet's Ride the Rivers Century on Sunday October 7th. I am hoping Mike or Ron plans to ride from downtown, because then they can register me, and I can just start at my house (where the ride loops past on the Olivette Bike Trail) like last year. Trailnet's info for the Century is below.

Of course I am hoping for company both days, hence the advance notice. Let me know if your interested in joining me.


Save the Date / When is Hanukkah?

Hello all,

Lynda and I are planning on making last year's Holiday get together at our house an annual event. But before we get too far in the process, we wanted to double check dates around Hanukkah. We know Hanukkah is on December 5th, but knowing that this is (we think) an 8 day holiday, we wern't sure what weekend dates in December were also part of Hanukkah, or other Jewish Holiday's. If someone could let us know, that would be great. We are actually planning on more than one night or parties. We have a diverse group of friends, that we like to see, and hope to introcuce to each other. But we are planning to have one night be a primarily "the biking group" night.

Talk to you all soon,

Mike and Lynda

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dog Prairie Century Saturday September 22

Are there any Gentiles interested in the Hosteling century this Saturday in St. Paul, Mo? They claim the roads are "smooth, scenic and rolling hills".

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday September 23rd Ride


This Saturday is Yom Kippur; so the Hebrew members of the troup will be out fasting all day. That leaves Sunday for riding and eating. The Fun Club has the Foot High Pie Ride. I am up for that ride, or a local alternative.

Let me know your plans.


Next Year's Big Week Long Bike Trip


With my season winding down, no more Bat Mitvahs, MS Team Planning, and this years week long trip behind behind; thoughts turn to what the hell are we going to do next year!

So lets start throwing ideas around, I of course have my own

Some caveats for the selection pool

  • Hotel Rooms Available ( no camping for me)
  • Heat & Humidity Reasonable (no death rides for me)
  • Cost & Logistics Reasonable (if I could sell unreasonable I would be doing a month long tour of Ireland)

If its an area I have some modest familiarity with, I am willing to plan again. If its someplace I have no clue about, then its either needs to be a ride organized by some other group, or someone else with familiarity needs to plan.

Lets also toss out dates, because I do have to work around my family vacation. That means for me, that anything in August becomes iffy. If I have enough notice I might be able to swap the family vacation from August to July.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ride Sunday Sept 16

Does anyone have a ride planned for tomorrow (Sun, 9/16)? Is anyone planning to ride?

The Tour of Missouri is doing their circuit in downtown/forest park from 1p til about 4p. It would be cool to see some of that.

I need to be home as close to 2p-2:30p as possible because, if all goes well with her spaying, I think we're going to drive to Springfield and pick up our new dog.

In order to see more of it, I could 'sag' the way home and get picked up from wherever we're watching it.

Let me know.