Monday, April 28, 2008

Saturday and Sunday Rides

On Saturday let's ride from my house out toward Babler and points west. We can meet at my house at 8:00 - 9:00 for breakfast - oatmeal, eggs, toast, coffee, cereal, fruit, etc and then we start riding around 9:00 AM. My address is 15243 Kempwood Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63017 - google it if you need directions.

If you are coming for breakfast please RSVP - so I can be prepared.

Sunday, I am up for a Sunday afternoon ride - after 2:00 PM - We could do a city ride.


Roark said...

Since its premeir weekend for Joseph, I most likely will not be able to ride. On the bright side its more time for my back to recover.

Mark said...

And don't forget the best part of all. Spending more time with your mother.

hillclimber said...

I won't be riding this weekend or spending time with Roark's mother or my own.

Tell Joe I said "Break a leg". That's a good thing of course.

I'll be traveling a ton for fun and work the next 14 days. My next St. Louis ride will hopefully be a weekday ride with Bill or the whole gang on either Tue the 13th, or Wed the 14th. I may be able to squeeze in a city ride on Monday evening the 5th.

Lynda and I are going to Venezula April 29 - May 4 to see relatives and sight-see. Then work takes me to Denver, Phoenix and New Orleans. Plus MISS. to see mom (mine, not Roark's) for Mother's Day.

Talk to you all soon,


Ron said...

I won't be able to make Saturday's many home projects. I'll probably just do a ride close to home later in the day.
I do plan on doing the MS kickoff ride....hope to see you there.


Roark said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm, well what do you know. I am free on Saturday morning, so it looks like I am the only one joining Mark. I want snausages and eggs for breakfast.