Friday, August 17, 2007

Paris-Brest-Paris News

8/17/07 Mike Brady wrote:

Maybe someone can post this to the blog for me.

I'll be doing a light spin from my hotel over to Paris and back - about a 35 mile round trip - no big deal.

I made it to Paris safe and sound. I put the bike together and all the lights and junk on it too. It looks like an overloaded semi. Didn't get to ride today, but didn't want to just yet. A nice spin tommorow and Sunday will be great though. The weather is mostly cloudy and a bit cool, but not too bad - and dry so far. The weather for the four days is looking pretty favorable.

I'll try and keep you all posted up to the start. Then after thqt maybe Lynda can post some news. She comes over on the 23 to meet me at the finish.

Things are going well,


1 comment:

Cheri said...

Mike wrote:

Hello all,

Not too sure how this works, but I think there is a way to track me on PBP. See the link at the bottom of the e-mail. My frame number is 4749 and I'm listed as John Brady.

Talk to you all soon.


Cheri wrote:

Here is the English version of the tracking page. You can start tracking Mike on 8/20/07, but I'm not sure if the answer will come back in English or French.