Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday April 29 (and Saturday the 28th sort of)

Hello all,

I was wondering what you all might be planning for Sunday the 29th? Next Saturday I'm helping the March of Dimes with WalkAmerica, and afterwards going to the Cardinals game, so no riding for me that day.

With that in mind I was hoping to petition the group so that the "big day" of riding next weekend could be planned for the 29th. I'd love to get some real hill work and distance in that day. I was think the West County / Six Flags / Many Hills of Dan route. Roark and Brian were even talking of adding the hills south of I-44 by Six Flags as an added bonus. I'm very much in for this route. It would be a good final tune-up before going to 3S3M.

This new week (April 23 - April 27) I am hoping to go for some late afternoon / early evening rides on Tuesday and Friday. Probably City ride / Forest Park type stuff. If anyone is interested let me know. 314-239-6229

I know I'm not the chief planner for the group, and of course know I've been missing in action much of the spring, so please don't feel like you have to plan around me. If anyone is interested in the above idea or something like it let me know.



Cheri said...

I'm in for Sunday hills, but not sure that I want to make it a "big day". I'm thinking that the week prior to a big ride like 3S3M, I should be in taper mode. I do want to get in some hills....long, slow incline ones...similar to 3S3M, but maybe some steeper ones too. I'm ok with peeling off if others want to go on for longer, bigger day.


Roark said...

Ok, for what its worth I have to go along with Cheri. I want some hills to keep my legs a working for 3S3M, but I also want them fully recovered for the ride.

My thoughts, we ride out via the flats to climb Ossenfort, then into St. Albans the hard way. We scoot over to Six Flags via Fox Creek for Allenton Hill. Thats it for hills, as we ride back over and down Ossenfort to return via he flats. This should be 40 miles.

If anyone wants more, they can do the extra hills on the other side of 44 from Six Flags and add Woods Ave.

We can start at Kaldis at 9 am.

Turning to Saturday. I thought just spinning our legs out on a City ride might be good. Remind onself this bike riding is supposed to just be fun sometimes. This way for those of us who are worried about flexibility, we can make the 2:00 pm Yoga class.

hillclimber said...

Sunday at 9:00 am at Kaldis in the valley sounds good to me.

Is that rolling at 9:00 or coffee / breakfast at 9:00? Maybe we shoot for rolling at 9:30?

I'll go along with the group for whatever distance. If it's only going to be 40-45 miles and moderate hills I think I might ride to and from Kaldis from my house which would make it almost a century for me, which is probably good for me given that I'm a bit behind on the brevet training.

I think light spinning Monday - Thursday will allow for my legs to be ready to go by 3S3M.

Confirm the rolling time, and I'll see you all there.


Roark said...

Normally we have been quoting ride start times. Those who wanted breakfast have been showing up early and sitting at the officially designated Kaldis Table.
That said, we always end up leaving at least fifteen minutes late. I am fine with a departure time of 9:30 if that gives Mike time to get to Kaldis from his house.

BTW: Two years ago we would not have called this route moderate hills.

Roark said...

Paul Kitka wrote: (cause he cant remember his blog password)

I'm in for Sunday -- which Kaldi's is that?

Sunday we start at the Kaldis in Chesterfield Valley

hillclimber said...

Paul and all,

That would be Kaldi's in the Chesterfield valley off of hwy 40 at Boone's crossing.

Rolling by 9:30. (I'm going to shoot for 8:50 for coffee and oatmeal).

I'm going to go ahead and ride from my house and shoot for that century too. What the heck. I need the miles / long distance training, and I'm pretty sure some light spinning Monday - Thursday and my legs will be fine for 3S3M.

I won't be riding wih the group on Saturday so you all have fun.

See you Sunday,
