Monday, April 10, 2006

Rides Saturday 4/15 & Sunday 4/16

The plans are forming for this weekend already!

Saturday looks like we start from Kaldis in Chesterfield Valley to do Babler and the 10 hills of Dan. We ride at 9:00 am, so plan on meeting for breakfast at 8:15 am. Its lots of hills.

Sunday we will be riding from my house, for those not in Easter Services. We will be repeating the out Old St. Charles and over to Kirkwood route. We will be climbing Adams as will as Hog Hollow. We might throw in an extra climb or two if everyone still has legs from Saturday. Plan to meet at my house at 9:00 am.


Bill D. said...

I'm unable to go either Saturday or Sunday. At least not in the morning. Since I'm off on Friday, I'll be able to ride. What is the route you take from Hog Hollow to get to Adams?

Roark said...


Loosely, we wind ourway via some sides streets (Greentrails, White Rd) over to Conway, avoiding riding on Olive. We then use Old Woodsmill road to get over to Clayton Rd. We turn off Clayton road onto Bopp and over to Doughtery Ferry wich goes to Ballas and Adams. If you have google earth on your pc I can send you the route.

Cheri said...

It's not my turn to ride this Sat, so I'll be out with the girls....perhaps CC park to St. Charles. This Sun is the last Sun that I teach spinning.

Have fun and ride hard. Get ready for that Tri-State...only 3 more weeks!


Ron said...

Ahh! Summer is here already.....from the thirties last Saturday (it was to cold and windy for most sane people to ride) to the 80's tomorrow.

I'll be there...but Sunday is all booked up with easter.


Roark said...

Dan, it didnt get easier. I might only have to give ya a flesh wound since the dogwoods were out and quite a beautiful site.

Brian said...

I don't remember seeing any dogwoods....just hills.
I will be at Roarks house bright and early for Sunday's ride.

Roark said...

Brian....what do you think the trees with all the white flowers were? DOGWOODS! Sometimes you just have to ride slow enough that you can take in the scenery.

See you bright and early.