Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4th of July Weekend Riding

There are 3 days for riding this weekend. On Sunday, let's ride west from Chesterfield to Babler Park, Six Flags and you know the rest of the story. We can ride from my house. Be here by 8:00 and we ride at 8:30. Coffee for those who want it. I open for ideas for Saturday and Monday.


hillclimber said...


I am up for your Sunday morning ride. I think Tom is a maybe. I'll probably ride from my house - but I should be good for riding from home, then 50-60 with you and all, and then ride home. It should be a great day. I will shoot to be there by 8:00. Coffee sounds great.


hillclimber said...

Mark and all,

It was good to see the "gang" tonight. Glad we bumped into each other so to speak.

As mentioned on my other post - I'm look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Here are some other thoughts for me and rides this weekend:

Friday I can probably get a ride in around 4:00 or 5:00. I'd be up for a city ride, or maybe a ride that started at or near Roark's house.

Saturday - if I get to ride it would have to be in the afternoon. Maybe around 2:00. Or it can be later if we want to let the heat die down a bit. I can start as late as 5:00 and still feel like I got a ride in.

Monday - I'd also be up for an afternoon ride. Again anywhere from 2:00 to 5:00 for start time. I might could do a morning ride - but I am not sure. I'll have to see how the day is shaping up.

Talk to you all soon,


Mark said...

For Sunday it looks like Mike,Tom, Dan and me. I'll put coffee on for you.

hillclimber said...

Mark and all,

I am still up for Sunday's ride, but I may need to be back to my house around noon or 12:30. So, I am thinking ride out to your house, then coffee, then roll with you guys for 90-120 minutes, then I may need to start moving back home. I may be able to stay out longer, but right now it is a bit up in the air.


Roark said...

I am in for Sunday at the moment. I will be driving out to Mark's house.

Mark said...

I'll get some bagels and coffee.
I met a student from Logan College at Yoga on Thursday. She is getting a new rode bike (she hope this weekend (Friday). I invited her to join us. She is from Colorado so I think she can handle the hills. We'll see if she shows up.

Mark said...

It looks like Dan, Mike, John, Roark for the moment, me, Tom? Leann? (Student from Logan College)

Ron said...

I just got back from a week on Table Rock Lake camping and boating....I need to ride.
I'm planning on being there.


Mark said...

It looks like Dan, Rick, Mike, Roark, John, Ron, Bill and me. See you in the morning.