Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sunday ride (June 14)

Hello all,

So here is the newest info on the ride for Sunday. Brian, Tom and I are all going to shoot for a 30 - 40 mile ride pretty early on Sunday (so I can get to work). The plan is for each of us to leave our respective houses at 7:00 am (by bike) to meet at Starbuck's in the U-city loop around 7:30 - 7:45. We're not stoping for coffee, just meeting there as it is pretty central to our homes. From there we wing-it. Probably something like parts of the Wed night Fun Club ride / Forest Park, or maybe even downtown / riverfront.

So if you are interested in a morning ride of about 40 miles, be at Starbucks no later than 7:45. I'll have to bail from where ever we are to be home by 10:00 or 10:30 at the latest. Others (maybe Tom) might stay out a little longer.


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