Friday, October 24, 2008

Ride Sunday Oct 25?

Hello all,

This will be kind of brief. Roark and I chatted for a few minutes today about possible rides this weekend. I think we are both looking at Sunday as we are each kind of tied up for Saturday. Right now we have no definite plans, but it will probably evolve into a Roark's house / city ride / Mike's house kind of ride. I'd guess starting at something like 10:00 or 10:30.

Let us know if you're interested, or if you have better ideas. I'm guessing we will start at Roark's for many of us. Lynda is interested, which means she and I would probably start at our house, and maybe meet Roark / the group in Forest Park, or the Loop. We can then ride around the city, and / or the riverfront trail, and such, and just kind of wing it. We can work our way back to Roark's too. If anyone wants to meet at our house (Mike and Lynda) or at Forest Park, let us know.

I'll look for ideas and then post something more definite come Saturday afternoon / evening.

Mike (and Roark) (and Lynda)


Roark said...

Just let me know if your going to be joing from my house about 10:00 am. I am sure somewhere we will find coffee.

Cheri said...

I will probably ride from Roark's long as I can work out carpool plans for my kids.


hillclimber said...

Lynda and I will get ready around 10:15 or so, and officially role by 10:30 and work our way towards Forest Park. Maybe we can all shoot to be in front of the lower MUNY circle thing by 11:00? We can call on the phone if things are a bit off schedule, no big deal.

I guess we can wing the route from there. If we can find a simple way down to Carondolet, I would not mind going down there with Lynda. Then maybe we can cruise through the city areas and then kind of work our way to our homes from there.

Talk to you all soon,

Mike and Lynda