Friday, October 10, 2008

Ride The Rivers Century - Sunday Oct 12th


As you know the Rider the Rivers Century goes right by my house. This morning I noticed the Trailnet arrows are pointing in a direction opposite from the last few years. The ride will start in St. Charles and go East back toward St. Louis proper at the start of the ride. My house is about 17 or so miles from the start.

Of course I want to start from my house since the route goes right past. Since I wont be going past the registration point till mile 85, I need someone who is starting from St. Charles to register for me. I will reimburse this person for the registration fee ( and get my ferry tickets and lunch ticket). I will also provide a 17 mile rest stop and indoor potty break.

If your planning to start from St. Charles and wouldnt mind registering me ( and possibly any others who want to start from my house ) could you let me know before Sunday?



Mark said...


What time are you leaving from your house Sunday morning? I will ride with you.

If someone is riding from St. Charles and would register me too, I will reimburse you the $40 at Roark's house at the 17 mile mark.

Roark said...


Registration ends at 7:30 am. It will take whoever is kind enough to register for us about an hour to my house. I figure we need to leave between 8:30-9:00 am.

Cheri said...

I think Brian may be doing some riding on Sunday. I will probably do an easy-to-moderate (for me) ride tomorrow (Saturday). I'll be riding from 8a-12p...then putting up my sukkah. If anyone wants to join the ride and/or help build the sukkah, let me know.


Roark said...


My sukkah is mostly up except for the dead branches on top. EZ-UP!

Mark and I plan to leave from my house Saturday for an easy ride at about 9 am. Why dont you join us to head into the city. I am sure we could all loop back by your house to help with sukkah set up.

Cheri said...


Sounds good. See you tomorrow morning at your house at 9am.

We can play the sukkah construction by ear....but hope you're both free during sukkah take-down....that's usually harder than set-up.

Cheri said...

I just talked with John. He'll be there tomorrow too.

Ron said...

Hello All, I'm back from Korea and ready to ride.
I plan on doing the Rivers Ride starting from St. Charles.
I can register whoever wants to start at Roarks...just let me know.
I plan on starting by 7:00 or 7:30.


Roark said...


I know Mark & I would appreciate your signing us up for the ride. I think its possible Brian might as well.

Glad your back safe and sound from Korea.

Mark said...


Please register me for the ride and I will gladly pay you back.

Thanks, Mark

Ron said...

OK, I will register Mark and Roark and meet you at Roark's....probably around 8:30.
