Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rides Thursday (July 16), and this weekend, and Monday

Hello all,

I am planning a ride Thursday afternoon / early evening if anyone is interested. I'll probably roll from my house around 5:30 (6:00 at the latest). I'm pretty sure Tom will join me too. We'll probably roll west thru Forest Park and out towards Roark's and the Kirkwood area. We will wing it from there. Round trip from my house will be about 30 - 35 miles. If anyone wants to join us during the route, let me know. We can meet folks at FP, or Roark's, or wherever.

Saturday and Sunday I have to work both days, but Tom and I are looking to be out early for similar types of rides. Maybe roll around 6:30am Saturday and 7:00am on Sunday (or something like that). Just kind of winging some of this so I get some miles in on a work weekend.

Ron - not sure how things turned out for you this past Monday and the plans for riding out at the soccer fields. If it didn't pan out, or if you're up for this coming Monday I could certainly be talked into that this coming Monday. It's been forever sense I rode out there and I'd be willing to go out to run the big gears and the flats.

Talk to you all soon,



Ron said...

I would like to hook up you guys Saturday morning...maybe leave from Roark's.
Couldn't get it together last one could make it, so I'm willing to try it again this Monday if your interested.


Roark said...

I will not be ready to ride from my house before 7:30 am Saturday or Sunday. It takes me an hour to get ready, and I am not getting up for a local ride before 6:30 am on the weekends. So if the train arrives at my house or leaves after 7:30 am, then count me in.

45-50 miles would be my goal, dropping cars from the train and picking them up along the route.


hillclimber said...

Ron - I'm up for meeting you at the soccer fields this Monday. What do you think about meet at 5:30 and roll at 5:45 or 6:00 at the latest?

hillclimber said...

Tom and all,

Sorry I missed on the Saturday ride for not feeling so well.

It's late tonight, but I'm hitting the hay right now. I'm still setting the alarm for a planned AM ride (roll from my house at 7:00 and head towards SLU and FP). If I can get 2-3 hours in on Sunday morning that would be pretty nice.

I have to work at 11:00am but done by 5:00. I'm going to ask Lynda if she wants to do a light city / Forest Park / Tower Grove ride after work too (maybe around 6:00pm or so).
