Friday, May 01, 2009

Ride Saturday?

Hello all,

I'm not sure if a ride Saturday is going to come together, but I'm still kind of looking at it. Lynda and I will probably do a city / Forest Park type of ride, maybe 15 - 20 miles. Not sure when either - just kind of watching the weather. We'll probably just wing it and get out if we think we see a 2-hour window of mostly dry.

Feel free to give me a call and we'll see from there. We're pretty open about time of day - it's more about staying dry.

Mike and Lynda


hillclimber said...

Lynda and I are going to try and roll from our house at 1:00. Probably ride to the Park and points West. Call us if you want to meet anywhere.


Brian said...

It is 10:30 AM and I am at Crooked Tree with Amanda. I hope the rain holds off for the bike ride home.