Thursday, November 27, 2008

Leftover Day (Friday) ride, also Sunday?

Hello all,

Tom and I are planning a shortish ride on Friday. Probably a noon start to let it warm up. Probably about 20-25 miles. We are looking at Forest Park stuff to stay out of traffic. We think noon - 2:00 or so. I'm thinking I will leave my house around 11:30 to meet Tom some place around noon - maybe the Forest Park visitor's center. We'll probably just tool around the park from there, and maybe downtown just a bit as we work our way home. I might see if Tom wants to stop at Cafe Ventana (the coffee shop on West Pine and Vaneventure) for some free beignets.

Ron and all - I can't get out Saturday as I'll be out of town.

Sunday the weather looks pretty iffy, but I might be up for an afternoon ride (like 2:00 or so), but it does look iffy. Post ideas and I'll see depending on the weather. But I might have too many things to do at the house too.



Mark said...


I will not make today. I may be at a funeral. Yesterday was a good ride. Just long enough for some good exercise. Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. Mine was very nice spending it with Nancy's family.

I'll keep Sunday open.


Ron said...

Today I'll be doing some mountain biking at Lost Valley trail in St Charles county with my brother and his son.
I still hope to hook up with a road ride sometime this weekend.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


Merckxrider said...

I'll meet your in front of the Forest Park Visitor Center at noon. Looks calm so we might hit the RFT.