Wednesday, November 07, 2007

City Ride Saturday 10/10 & Long Ride Sunday 10/11


My plans for the weekend, with hope of someone to join me.

Samantha will be home alone Saturday so I want to ride a shorter City Loop so I am not gone all day. There will be coffee stops, and 10 am from my house sounds like a good start time.

Sunday I would like to do something a little more difficult to keep a bit of hill climbing legs through the fall and winter. This could be one of my winding city hill routes (ask Ron & Mark if you dont think I know some hills in the city). Another option is to repeat the Babbler Loop of last weekend.

Respond early and sway me to your opinion.



Roark said...

Brian Said---

I will be there at 10. I woulldn't mind if you threw in "a" nasty city


Roark said...

Sunday's Plan

Ok, I havent really heard from anyone. So here is the plan, if your joining me for the hilly ride.
Be at my house at 10 am, and we will read some hills. I dont know which direction they will be in, but there will be some hllls.