Friday, September 15, 2006

Sunday Sept 17 Ride

Is anyone doing the Trailnet ride on Sunday 9/17?

Tour de Wildwood
date: September 17 Sunday
time: Registration 7:30 – 9 am
location: Lafayette High School, 17050 Clayton Road, Wildwood, MO 63011
description: Routes: 19, 25, or 42 miles
Terrain: Moderately hilly to very hilly with big hills on all routes
Features: Join the community of Wildwood as they celebrate their 11th anniversary as an incorporated community. The tour includes a scenic pedal through west St. Louis County with a stop at Rockwoods Reservation. Helmets are required on this ride. Recommended for experienced cyclists.
fees: $6 Member, $9 Non-member, $3 Child under 13


Roark said...

The ride is actually free. I plan to do it. I am starting from Mark's house at 8 am.


Ron said...

I will be at Mark's house at 8:00.
