Thursday, April 07, 2011

Saturday Ride


Its weekend ride planning time again.  So here is my Saturday plan.  I plan to leave my house at 8:30 am.  I will be riding down town, then up the riverfront trail (over the McKinnley Bridge), next back via Chamber's Road.  So it is flat till the end, then some big rollers for fun when your legs are tired. Figure 40-50 miles of joy.  Mike I can swing by your house a bit after 9:00 am, you can ride till you feel like turning around to head back home.

Sunday I am up for some hills.  So unless someone has another plan, its more of the fabulous hills of Kirkwood.  Once again departing my house at 8:30 am.  This one will be about 40-50 miles also but your legs will think more.


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