Sunday, October 04, 2009

October 10 & 11 Bike Riding

I am up for a good warm up bike ride on Saturday - a city ride would work? - in preparation for Sunday's Ride the Rivers Ride. I have registered for Ride the Rivers - is any planning to register for the ride on Sunday - maybe you pick up the registration packets and we can meet up in Olivette - the ride goes through Olivette on Old Bonhomme I think.



Roark said...

I would like to do the 100 miles on Sunday.

Saturday I am working my bike riding around Samantha. Her bike is pretty much done. So I plan to ride with her Saturday about 6 miles out and back. Just to get her on a new road bike.

Mark said...

Ron, are you riding Ride the Rivers on Sunday?

Ron said...

I guess I am...although $50 is a little steep for a local bike ride.
I'll be starting at 7:00


Mark said...


I registered for the ride. Would you be able to pick up my registration material? I will ride to Olivette and meet you at Starbucks. You may want a cup of coffee by then. I think it is going to be cold.

Thanks, Mark

Mark said...

Roark, let's meet at Starbucks tomorrow morning around 7:50. I will plan to leave my house at 7:00and we can wait for Ron to meet up with us.

Ron said...

Mark, I can pick up your stuff...
Roark, you want me to register for you or are you going to freeload?


Roark said...


I guess if you see this, then pay my $50. If you dont see this then I freload and its not my fault at all.
