Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekend Bike Rides


It seems like its been forever since I was able to ride on a weekend to my hearts content.  Well I think I just might be able to slip one in before graduation season sneeks up on me.  So I plan to ride assuming the weather holds, Friday (yes I get to take one of my off Fridays!), Saturday, and Sunday!  Since I am way out of shape I am not planning on and Frondos or Frodos or even a Gandalf ride.

I am open to reasonable suggestions.  My options to begin with include:

Friday - The Horseshoe Lake Contigent Ride (40-50 miles)
Saturday - Tour de Stooges Ride (64 miles)
Sunday - Maeystown Fruehlingsfest Ride (50 miles)

Hope to get back on the right road!



Mark said...

On Satursday there is an Open Street Ride starting at the History Museum going to Busch Stadium. I plan to ride from my house to Forest Park, do the open street ride, and then figure it out from there. There are many options. Boeing is the sponsor of the Open Street Ride this weekend - think free food - and the president of BDS is riding. Roark, I will pick you up at 8:30. Ron Bookout will be taking photos. I am open for Sunday.

Greg said...

I am planning on doing the Friday Horseshoe ride plus some.
I was planning on doing the Tour de Stooges Ride but the weatherman is not cooperating.
Sunday no plans.

Roark said...


I will defer to the Boeing Ride, as long as we add some miles so we can get in at least 40 miles. We could do the loop over to Chain of Rocks and then back via Chambers.


Roark said...

Paul K wrote:

Anyone doing the MS kickoff ride on Sunday? Mary and I plan to ride that one. I will also be at the Boeing open streets ride on Saturday.


Roark said...

I would consider the MS150 kickoff Sunday. Depens on cost and miles.

Ron said...

Saturday I will be riding and taking photos for Boeing, after that I'm open for more miles.
Sunday, Suzette and I are planning on riding the MS kickoff ride....weather permitting.


Mark said...

Once we get downtown Busch Stadium for all the fun and activities - we will take off in one direction or another. Is the River Front underwater?
Sunday, the MS ride starts at 1:00 in the afternoon. I am up for riding earlier. We could do the hills of West County on Sunday. Meet at Kaldi's in the valley at 8:30 and ready to roll at 9:00.

Roark said...


I dont know if the riverfront trail is underwater, but I have detours around that issue. Basically I just want some miles in my legs, ride away those weekenday stresses!

Roark said...

John Choice....Friday...Ride from my house at 8:30 am.....

Brian said...


Funny you should mention Kaldi's in chestefield for Sunday. There is a Tour de Cure ride that rolls at 9:30 from Kaldi's on Sunday. Dan is planning to increase the milage (around 50) and add some hills.

Mark said...

Saturday - doing the Open Streets Ride in the City of St. Louis - Stopping at Roark's at 8:30 ride to the History Museum - pick up goodies along the way - ride north toward 270 and then west. Be at Roark's and ready to roll at 8:30. On Sunday, Dan has a better idea - Tour de Cure training ride Sunday from Kaldi's in the Valley. Possible to tag on to the MS Training ride Sunday afternoon. All Weather dependent - check your forecast.