Friday, April 09, 2010

Late Ride Saturday


My plans for this weekend are go with the flow.  I am having a quarter century celebration at the ole shul so I will be riding Saturday for a short ride sometime after the kiddush on Saturday.  Sunday since I am leaving for Washington DC for a week of fun, I will either be riding short and early, or doing a double spin session.



Bill P. said...

I'm up for a Saturday afternoon ride. What time?

Roark said...

In regards to Saturday..

Unfortunaly due to the nature of kiddush, shul, and a quarter century, I cant give an exact time. I figure I will be home around 2.


Mark said...

Roark and other, I am leaving the ole 25th right after the 4th aliyah and I am riding my bike to shul so I can get away quickly.