Thursday, October 25, 2007

Weekend Riding 10/27-10//28


I plan to ride this weekend. I can ride long Saturday. Sunday I have to be back at a reasonable time since I am flying out to Atlanta Sunday night for the week.

My thoughts is our group is burned out from too many hard rides, so lets get out there, do some non-hammer miles, with some coffee stops! Saturday would be a good day to ride from My house out to St. Charles and the Crooked Tree! Sunday can be a city ride!

Let me know your thoughts, and if you can ride!



Mark said...

Saturday sounds good. Let's shoot for 9:00 AM in the hope that the sun is visible by then.

I can ride long on Saturday and then we can discuss Sunday.

Cheri said...

I'm in for Sunday. Let me know more details (start time, where start, approx end time) so I can plan accordingly.


Ron said...

I'm up for riding saturday...St. Charles sounds good. I'll be at Roarks at 9:00.
