The third day will take us 83 miles from Tuggles Gap to Laural Springs. We will be overnighting at the Station's Inn. Here we will both sleep and dine, and share some stories with the Motor Cycle crowd the Inn caters too.
The elevation profile is shown below, and of course you can zoom by clicking on the image.

Nancy will not be joining me for this bike ride. I showed her the profiles for the first two days and she decided it might not be a wise thing to do considering she does not ride a bike at this time. We are going to look at some bike on Saturday, Nov 3. I think she'll be ready for the Horsey Hundred in Lexingotn.
Suzette has also decided the ride might be a little to much for it look's like I will be going without her.
Your postings of the elevation profiles seems to have had a profound effect on some.
Ron & Mark
Its not that I wanted to scare away anyone from the Blue Ridge. I just dont want anyone going with expectations its a casual ride. This is hard core! The uphills are long and will wear you down if your not prepared, and the downhills are not for someone who has never gone 35-40 miles an hour before on a bike.
I think casual and new riders can join us for the trip, they just should expect to do mostly touring in the car, not riding on the bike. Most people do after all tour the Blue Ridge in their car.
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