Thursday, January 04, 2007

Saturday January 6th


I already have 23 miles on the Merlin in for 2007. So if your interested in catching up, any thoughts on a Saturday ride? Something starting about 10 am works, but I will consider earlier.

The Forecast:
Saturday: Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day.
High 46F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph



Cheri said...

Have fun without me this time. I'll be at the America's Center working at a gymnastics meet.

Stay warm.


Mark said...

I am not available until after 1:00 PM on Saturday. You know where I will be. Mark

Roark said...


I guess you will be with Maxine and Joseph.

Mark said...

I so look forward to time in shul with my extended family. I'll see you Sunday morning. A collegue of mine is joining us Sunday morning. He is thinking about doing some of the brevais (sp)this year.

Ron said...

I'm taking down chritmas lights Saturday but Sunday's a possibility.
