Its too cold to ride, so a distraction; another of the rides we will be doing in Michigan this summer.
Ride Overview:
The ride starts at The Dunes Climb (off the bike ) of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park. Starting counterclockwise we head to the first off the map stop, 7 miles of Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive. This climb was listed in Bicycling Magazine's recent 100 most memorable climbs in the US.
Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive is 6.9 miles. Located within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, it is recommended by the National Park Service for expert cyclists only, due to the steep terrain, sharp curves, and traffic. Combined with the Glen Arbor area Bike Tour, it can easily fill a day. Pierce Stocking is a microcosm of the entire park. The winding, hilly, one-way road with a dedicated bike lane is designed with twelve stopping points where the highlights and contrasting environments within the park are explained.
The ride continues onward on wobbly legs climbing up to "Inspiration Point" to stop and enjoy the overlook view of the Glen Lakes. Expect rolling hills to continue out to the town of Maple City. At Gabe's local market, there is fresh supply of homemade jerky. Jersey pockets now stuffed with jerky, the ride continues to tour Little Traverse, Lime and School Lakes. Expect some more hills, as this is the home of the Sugarloaf Mountain Ski Resort.
Returning back toward the upper half of Glen Lakes, the ride continues into Glen Arbor. The quaint town Glen Arbor is the home of Cherry Republic. The goal at Cherry Republic is always to eat as much in free samples as purchased to take home. The Cherry Ice Cream is an absolute must! There are numerous restaurants to enjoy lunch in Glen Arbor.
Stuffed from lunch with cherry ice cream, and all other things cherry the ride continues on to the little town of Glen Haven to visit the Maritime Museum. Additional Glen Haven attractions include a working Blacksmith Shop, and ole timey General Store. Once explorations are finished its back through the starting point at the Dunes Climb. If those legs still have energy, expect a half hour climb on foot to just the first ridge of the dunes.
This ride is approximately 60 miles. Lots of climbs, but lots of stops and things to see as well.
Images to wet your fancy, are below:

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