Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ride the Rivers Century October 10th

Who is planning to do this ride? I will be doing the ride and will most likely drive out to St. Charles to start - that may be dependent on who joins us for the ride. There is a senior from Clayton HS who may join us. We pick him up at the rest stop at Forest Park. More info on that later. Early registration closes on September 30th.



Roark said...

I plan to ride 80 miles of the ride starting from my house and bailing in St. Charles.

Ron said...

I'm planning on doing the ride. I'll ride from the official start and try and do the full century.


Mark said...

If Ron goes and Lynda is not going then possible that Mike and Ron can share the King Bed at the Days Inn. Dan's wife will be joining for the weekend. Rick is still a maybe. Yes, there are two rooms reserved so we should be good to go.

Mark said...

If Ron goes and Lynda is not going then possible that Mike and Ron can share the King Bed at the Days Inn. Dan's wife will be joining for the weekend. Rick is still a maybe. Yes, there are two rooms reserved so we should be good to go.

hillclimber said...

Mark and all,

I think you have some of your posts crossed up on the wrong threads. Anyway - here is my two cents on the Shawnee Ride and the Ride the Rivers Century:

Lynda is not going to Shawnee. I'm good with sharing a bed with about anyone - I'm pretty easy so to speak. So sharing with Ron, is good, or Rick or whoever. I'm all for saving money on hotel rooms.

I'm leaning towards doing the Ride the Rivers century too. I was thinking of going out of town for a ride - but now I am thinking of keeping it simple and staying in town. I'm probably 90%. If so - I will ride the whole ride. Not sure of the route. If it goes through downtown like I think - I might try for an extra early start from downtown, and then "ride" to the start in Saint Charles I think - and then bail when I get to whereever I really started down town. Not sure I can pull off that early of a start though - so I will keep you all posted. If I can't pull off the super early start, I will probably go with the official start location and still go for the full 100.


Mark said...

The weather forcast for the Ride The Rivers this weekend looks perfect. In the 50's to start and warming to 75 and sunny. Ware sunscreen.

Mark said...

Dan, that sucks. I will pick you up at your house around 6:30. We will drive to the start. Ron Bookout will be riding from the start. We'll pick Mike up somewhere on the route. What is your address.

Mark said...

Dan Bauer and I will drive out to St. Charles. I will pick Dan up at 6:30. Ron, look for us around 7:10.

Mike, what are you planning to do Sunday morning? We could meet you at the History Museum in Forest Park.

Ron said...

I plan on being ready to roll by 7:30.
See you there.


Mark said...

We'll see you there. We are going to pick Roark up at Starbucks in Olivette. He will ride to the Arch with us.