Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekend Bike Rides


It seems like its been forever since I was able to ride on a weekend to my hearts content.  Well I think I just might be able to slip one in before graduation season sneeks up on me.  So I plan to ride assuming the weather holds, Friday (yes I get to take one of my off Fridays!), Saturday, and Sunday!  Since I am way out of shape I am not planning on and Frondos or Frodos or even a Gandalf ride.

I am open to reasonable suggestions.  My options to begin with include:

Friday - The Horseshoe Lake Contigent Ride (40-50 miles)
Saturday - Tour de Stooges Ride (64 miles)
Sunday - Maeystown Fruehlingsfest Ride (50 miles)

Hope to get back on the right road!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunday Earth Day Bike Ride

Let's do an Earth Day Bike Ride. I will ride from my house on Sunday morning - and head to Olivette and pick up Roark and then we can head into the City and end up at Forest Park.
I'll leave my house around 8:00 and get to Roark's just before 9:00.
Dan, how does that time work for you on Sunday morning?

Friday, April 09, 2010

Late Ride Saturday


My plans for this weekend are go with the flow.  I am having a quarter century celebration at the ole shul so I will be riding Saturday for a short ride sometime after the kiddush on Saturday.  Sunday since I am leaving for Washington DC for a week of fun, I will either be riding short and early, or doing a double spin session.
