Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hmmmmm A Ride This Weekend?


I am thinking of riding this weekend. Its just a thought right now, but any takers on the potential?



Mark said...

I am up for riding Sunday. I am open all day and I think it is going to sunny. We can all plan to meet at Forest Park around 10:00. Ride a flatish ride to lunch.

Mark said...

Let's do this on Sunday. Roark I will swing by your house at 9:45 and we will head to
Forest Park to meet Mike and
Tom at the visitor center. Anyone who wants to join us be at Roark's by 9:45 or the visitor center at Forest Park by 10:15. It is suppose to be sunny.


Roark said...

Sounds like plan on Sunday. Saturday John and I are riding from Lone Wolf with the Meet up St. Louis Group.

Anonymous said...

I'm in.