Friday, May 29, 2009

Door County & Green Bay Riders


As your ride coordinator; you are officially informed you must register for the Menominee River Century Ride on June 28th.

I have no clue how many and who are still coming. BTW: I still dont know my own accomodations either.



Ron said...

Suzette and I are now planning on going...we booked our rooms.
We decided not to do the Seattle to Portland ride...maybe next year.
This metric century looks like a good ride for the spouses...lots of ride options.


Mark said...

Roark, I have rooms reserved for both locations. If Maxine does not go - then you, John and I can share the room. If Max goes, she could invite Suzy to join her since Suzy will not get on a bike.

Ron glad to hear you are joining us.


hillclimber said...

Lynda and I are both going. We have booked our rooms. Lynda is planning on doing the 50 mile version of the Menominee River Century Ride too (we'll register by this weekend). She's not sure how much other riding she'll do, but probably every other day or there abouts.

We'll be taking our car of course. If anyone needs a ride, we should have room for one more in the car. We can probably get their bike too, but for certain we can get their person if their bike goes via another vehicle.

My rack holds 3, but it is a bit tight at three, but not that big of a deal.

Let me know,


(new phone) 314-605-9745