Friday, February 27, 2009

Everything you could want - Feb 28 ride & March 1

Hello all,

Wind, snow, wind-chill temps in the teens - It's looking like Saturday will provide everything you could possibly want in a "Spin at home day", so I'm thinking no outside ride for me on Saturday. So I'm planning on coffee at home and a 1-hour session with Coach Troy (of Spinervals fame).

I'm not sure what Lynda and I will be doing otherwise - maybe catching a movie. We saw Slumdog (fantastic) and Doubt (good) last weekend - this week we are thinking about Milk on Saturday evening. If anyone wants to join in let us know. Probably a 7:00ish show at Frontenac, or we could be talked into an earlier show and a 7:00ish dinner.

Sunday is not looking that much better for outside riding. I can handle the cold - it will depend on if the streets are wet. Is anyone else this crazy? The wind chills are looking like the mid to upper 20's in the afternoon - so it would probably have to be a short ride at best. I'm thinking maybe to Kirkwoood Kaldi's and back at most. Either that, or another date with Troy. If no go on Sunday biking, Lynda and I may still plan a brunch, and that could still be Kirkwood Kaldi's.

Take care, and spin like hell!

Mike and Lynda

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