Thursday, November 06, 2008

End Of Dubbya Ride (Saturday)


You may have voted for the Obama or even MCain. One thing is for sure we all wanted Dubbya GONE! So I am going to have a celebratory ride that he will be gone in a couple of months. It starts from my house at 10:15 am on Saturday. Just like Dubbya I dont have a well thought out plan yet. So we will just head into the fray, and we will wing it. Hopefully we will have better luck without a plan then Dubbya did.



Ron said...

Yes, I have to say, I'll even be glad to see him gone.
I'm looking forward to the Messiah's reign with an open mind.
I've been out of town the last two work and one vacation.
I did attempt the Death valley Double Century Saturday the 25th.
It appears success was not in the cards. As if coming down with a chest cold was not bad enough, after arriving in Las Vegas from Phoenix Friday, the airlines lost my luggage. Five flights later they finally arrived.
That delay got me into Furnace Creek Ranch around 10:00PM. The front desk said they had my bike but it was locked up in the barn and no one had the key. I finally got it around 5:30AM Sat and rushed to assemble it...the official start was 6:30 which I missed. I ended up starting with the last of the Century riders. After a long day in the saddle with a sore throat and cold plus a leaking hydration pack with a hole I ended up with 119 miles....but enjoyed every minute of it. Better luck next year.
I will be leaving this Saturday for Pensacola Florida so I won't be joining you but I did ship my bike to Florida.
By the way Mike...I'm coming home early so Suzette and I will make your Party.


Roark said...


I am glad you are open minded, note we are just celebrating the end of Dubbya. I didnt want to piss off any of the Republicans in the group. My first choice still remains Hillary, but in all things political its about shades of grey (another problem with B&W Dubbya).

Glad to hear you survived the ride, I was thinking with the silence the buzzards got ya.

Roark said...

Since no one has responded yet positively, for the Saturday Dubbya ride, and just to make things more confusing and appropriate I thought we would move the start back to 10:15 am. That way I can spin too, and be ready to ride by 10:15.

hillclimber said...

Ron, Roark and all,

Ron - good to hear you are not dead. Put me down as a maybe to go on the Death Valley ride next year. I'd love to hear about the ride too. Bummer about all the bad luck - seems to come with big out of town bike rides.

I sent you an e-mail earlier tonight, not knowing you and Suzette would make the party - but I hve you down now.

Roark and all,

I'm up for a bit of a ride on Saturday - but it may just be jumping in mid-way and then bailing along the way. Lynda and I have a different party going on that night, and we have a bit of planning to do. Just keep me poted and I'll watch the blog.

Sunday I don't think I can make the Pasta ride as I have to be home by 1:00 to go to the Rep that afternoon, but I may be looking for a simple, short city ride maybe at 10:00 or so.


Mark said...


I'll let you know about Saturday on Friday.Mark