Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekend Plans Oct 18-19


It's getting about that time for me to post my weekend ride plans.

Saturday is my big day to ride this weekend. I hope to leave my house about 8:30 am for a City type ride. This may include Jefferson Barracks, a bit of Kirkwood, and maybe the Arch grounds in time to catch a bit of Barack! I would love to have a bit of company so let me know if your going to join me.

Sunday I am pretty much out for riding. But you could ride to my house for the 3:00-5:00 pm Sukkah party. There is going to be food, and outdoor fun! I think you all have gotten the flier earlier though most of you didnt RSVP.



Ron said...

I only have Saturday to ride and it needs to be a long one....more training for my Death valley 200.
I'm thinking a repeat of the Ride the Rivers since the roads are already marked. I might even try to add on a few more miles. Maybe Piere Marquet hills.


Roark said...


I am not sure you can cram like for an exam for a bike ride! That said if I didnt have to be back at a reasonable time, and able to still function that evening I might go with you Saturday. I might go as far as 60-70 miles but 100 miles is too much for me.


hillclimber said...

If you happen to be headed in the vacinity of my house, give me a call about an hour or so ahead of time. Before I saw Ron's post I was thinking Roark could ride towards my house and we could hook up togehter for an hour or an hour and a half, and then Lynda could catch on for about an hour or so herself. That way Roark and I could ride hard or harder, and then Lynda can catch on for some moderate riding too.

However, if it turns out you are headed in Ron's direction that is fine too.

In the end I'll probably be up for a city type ride some time on Saturday morning. I'm not sure I'll ride out to Roark's, but I'll more or less be available (with warning) from 9:00am on. If it works out that Lynda can join for a bit that is even better.

Sunday I'll probably get out and ride again. Maybe over to Roark's to participate in the Sukkah event, or maybe with Tom or Dave - us city folk, in the afternoon.


Roark said...


Here I thought you were out of town for a wedding or something of that sort, the reason we all bailed on the Hilly. I saw Ron and Cheri at Cheri's Sukkah party tonight. I know Cheri is riding, Ron has yet to commit to joining us. It depends on how early he gets up and wants to ride in the cold. I will let you know plans when I know them.