Friday, September 19, 2008

Saturday Sept 20th and Sunday Sept 21st Rides


So here are my final ride plans for this weekend.

Saturday Brian has convinced Mark and myself for one more attempt this season of 100 Miles of Hills. I personally think the ride will go another season without ever having been ridden to completion but I am up for a try at it. The ride will be leaving my house at 8:00 am, and will pick up Mark and anyone else who cares to join at Kaldis in the valley at about 9:15 am. We will not be staying at Kaldis for breakfast to keep things moving. We will pick up some food at our first rest at the Head Store in St. Albans.

Sunday I plan to ride to Trailnet's Flat as a Floodplain Ride that's starts at the Orchard Farm High School. We officially leave from the Lopatin's at 8:00 am. Depending on my son's need to have my car on Sunday I will either be driving or riding over to the Lopatin's. It's 29 miles from the Lopatin's House to the rides official start, so we may miss official registration. We will ride the 15 mile section of Trailnet's Ride, so figure 75 miles. A food stop will occur either in New Town, or St. Charles on our way back home.


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