Here's some information about a couple of different workshops. I know the woman doing the "Beating the Sugar Blues" ones, but I'm not sure who's doing the "Nutrition and Energy Strategies for Cycling" one. She's got some good ideas, but I haven't been to this specific workshop. I'm not able to go to the sugar blues one but would be interested to hear about it if you go. We've gotten our free initial eval. If you go and decide to get an eval, let her know I sent you.
Please be our guest at the next AvivaWholeHealth FREE workshop. "Beating the Sugar Blues" is an interactive workshop that will help you enjoy a sweet life while reducing sugar, or artificial sweeteners. We will explore the harmful effects of sugar on the body and together discover wonderful, natural sweeteners that can enhance flavor and help to create a joyful and healthful life. Great for anyone from the complete sugarholic, to the certified health-nut!
See you there!
Aviva Solomon
AvivaWholeHealth is dedicated to improving people's lives through healthful nutrition and lifestyle choices.
Call 917-687-6781 for a complimentary consultation!
Please check out our website for more information at
Beating the Sugar Blues
Where: Studio Rue 7905 Big Bend Blvd
Webster Groves, MO 63119
When: Thursday, April 10th 6:30 PM
Where: Sante (the new fitness and wellness center at the Chase Park Plaza located at Kingshighway and Lindel Blvd)
When: Monday, April 14th 6:00 pm
Here's one at REI. This sounds like a good one too. I'm going to try to go to this one.
Nutrition and Energy Strategies for Cycling
4/17/2008 6:30 PM
Riding can take a lot out of you, we'll give you some info on what to put back in. We'll cover the when and why of eating and hydrating before, while, and after training, competing, or just going out for a nice long ride.
Location: St. Louis REI
Contact: Bike Shop 314-918-1004
Cost: Free
Registration Required? Yes. Bike Shop 314-918-1004
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1 comment:
The sugar blues one is interesting but since I really am low sugar already, I might pass on that one.
Now if they switch to caffeine blues then I am guilty.
The nutrition and energy strategies for cycling sounds interesting. I would love to find a strategy that keeps me from bonking and also doesnt load me with so many carbs that I dont drop weight over the heart of the summer.
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