Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekend of October 6-7


I am trying to get ahead of the game with so many ride options coming up the weekend of October 6-7.

First the Best of Missouri Market takes place that weekend at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Its a fun event, so I plan to meet my family at the Garden on Saturday October 6th to enjoy the festivial. I will be doing a city ride over to the Garden. There will be coffee stops before and after the visiting the Best of Missouri. This of course gets me out of the Sandy Creek Century one more year! See the link below for info on the Best of Missouri Market.

Second, I plan on riding Trailnet's Ride the Rivers Century on Sunday October 7th. I am hoping Mike or Ron plans to ride from downtown, because then they can register me, and I can just start at my house (where the ride loops past on the Olivette Bike Trail) like last year. Trailnet's info for the Century is below.

Of course I am hoping for company both days, hence the advance notice. Let me know if your interested in joining me.



Mark said...

Blue Ridge Tour - one thought for a date is July 3 - 13 - the 4th falls on a Friday in 2008.

hillclimber said...

I'm out of town the weekend of October 6 - 7, so no go for me.


Cheri said...

I plan to do the Ride the Rivers. Keep me posted if going to registration or riding from house.


Ron said...

As of now, I plan on doing the Sandy Creek Ride and Ride the Rivers.
Roark, I will start from downtown so I can register you.


Roark said...


Enjoy the back to back centuries! I might not be the only one, wanting you to fill out my registration.

Ron said...

Change of plans for me...I now have to work Saturday the 6th, Boeings Family Day so no Sandy Creek.
Honest...they are making me work, I really wanted to do the ride.
But I still plan on doing Ride the Rivers.
