Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ride Saturday Dec 16th


The weater looks to be great for a December ride this Saturday. I could go for a city ride, or hooking up with Allen and his group. Let me know your thoughts.


BTW: I have upgraded to the new version of the blogger, so you will most likely be asked to upgrade your account as well. Just do what that ask, its easy.


Roark said...

Mark Wrote:


count me in. I pick up my bike at Paul's tomorrow. I am up for anything. Mark

Cheri said...

If you do a city ride, let me know. I need to stick around here so I can be back early. We're having 14 people over for Chanukah dinner.

Let me know.

Roark said...

Here is the scoop on tommorrows ride. Bowing to Cheri's need to be back in the area (even though I am personally not getting any Latkas), we ride from my house at 9:30 am. It's a city ride, so there will be coffee stops.

Cheri said...

Ah, but I will bring some of my home-made baklavah....even better than latkas.


Roark said...

Ron wrote:

Sounds like a plan, I'll be there....I just want to ride-anywhere.
I couldn't log on to the blog...maybe I forgot my password.


Roark said...


Thats really going to help my no carb eating. We will have to ride extra fast and far to make up for it.


Brian said...


Roark said...

one ponders what the yes was day late...