Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rides Wed, Thursday, Friday November 22-24

Hello all,

The weather looks promising for all three of these days if anyone is up for a ride. Wednesday I'm working, but might be able to do the "normal" Wednesday night ride if anyone is up for it.

Thursday, I was looking for anyone that wanted to do a shorter, morning ride, maybe something like 9-12 before I go to family and turkey.

Friday I'm pretty wide open, maybe something like 9 or 10 start for 3-4 hours?

Let me know if you're interested in any of these. I'm out of town Saturday and Sunday, so I'm hoping to get my riding in sooner.



hillclimber said...

Here's what I know. David T and I are meeting around 3:30 for a Wednesday city ride. If anyone wants to meet us or join us, call my cell phone. 314-239-6229

Thursday, David and I are planning on meeting for a 9-noon ride, again probably in the city. We are a bit flexible, so it may turn in to 9:30 or so, and may end closer to 12:30 or 1:00, but probably no later than that. The likely start will be my house in the city, or someplace near Tower Grove Park.

Friday, Ron, Mark, David and I have all expressed interest in a ride. I have not worked out the details. Maybe we can meet at Roark's house? Or maybe Forest Park? Or maybe Kaldi's in the Valley? I'm game for any of these. Who else wants to ride that day?


Roark said... is my personal scoop. I am doing the Wednesday night ride as usual Nov 22nd.

Thursday I am off to the Wisconsin Dells, and wont be back till Saturday.

That means my next ride is Sunday. Enjoy your Thursday, Friday, & Saturday rides.
