Friday, July 14, 2006

Weekend Rides July 15th & July 16

Here is what I know about this weekend. If you want to hook on with Alan and his group on Saturday, plan to leave his house at 7am. I would give him a call to confirm the start time. I will be traveling with family to see the a dead president in Springfield IL on Saturday.

Sunday I plan to ride with Alan's group. Alan didn't know the exact start time for Sunday but will coordinate it with me late afternoon Saturday. I will post the info as soon as I know. On the off chance Alan does not plan to ride, I am thinking an early morning city type loop.

Thats all I know.



Cheri said...

I was going to try to ride early on Sunday, but it's Brian's Sunday to ride. If anyone wants to do a late ride today (Saturday) around 4pm, call me on my cell, reply, or post to blog. I was thinking about a city ride (perhaps Wednesday night route) and would prefer company on that route if available.


Roark said...

Sunday's Plan

I will be riding from Alan's. He plans about a 40 mile route. Departure time is 7:30 am.

It will be hot.