Friday, March 31, 2006

A Post From Mark About Sunday April 2

Who wants to ride on Sunday morning from Kaldi's in Chesterfield valley. We can do the Babler Ride. Let's plan on leaving Kaldi's by 9:00. Don't forget it is Daylight Savings Time so 9:00 will be an hour earlier this Sunday. Be there for breakfast around 8:00.



hillclimber said...

Mark and all,

Enjoy the hills. I'm out of town goofing off with basketball all weekend. I'll probably hit the trainer pretty hard on Tuesday night when I get back in town. Then I'm hoping to do the Wednesday night city ride with Roark and co. (Or maybe with daylight savings time we can do Paul's regular Wednesday night ride? It's about 25 miles, but has a bit more climbing than the city routes, which would be good for us.

April 7th I'm tied up, so no ride then either. I'll probably hit the trainer on Thursday of that week.

April 8th I'm racing in Hillsboro, IL. One of the best races of the year.

April 9th I'm going to do the BFC ride. It's kind of short for us who are training for Chattanooga. I'm thinking we need to do the short route early (say riding by 9am). It's 26 miles, so hopefully we are done by 10:40 - 10:45. Then we can do the 37 mile middle route and be out with other riders (registration doesn't close until 11:00 am). Or if we are real ambitious we can do the 44 mile long route. We'd wind up with either a 63 mile or a 70 mile day. I'm good either way.


Roark said...


You should have been with us this Saturday, it was mostly flat, but we rode to Alton and back from my house. Thats 83 fun miles, with some headwinds to make it a challenge.
