Time to think of Saturdays ride. Thought we might mix the terrain a bit, with the Holly Hills Loop. We should be able to get in 40-50 miles. Some city flat miles, changing to a few hills as we climb up Holly Hills and head to Webster. Of course we can get in two coffee stops. Let me know your thoughts.
See comments for more details!
Official Start Time at My House 10 am for Saturday's Ride.
Holly Hills to Grants Trail Link...if we ride

The weather looks like it might be yucko both Saturday and Sunday. If so I'll probably take my bike to Paul for some work. If weather is good I'm game, but still watching the weather a bit.
I think that choice for a route is great. Two small sugestions: Maybe we can figure out how to work in Grant's trail (from the East end by trailnet heading West)? We'd have to go a bit further South, but it might be a good addition to this route. It comes out near Rock Hill on the other end.
Suggestion 2: First coffee stop isn't until at least 15 miles, or maybe closer to 20. Second coffee can be near the end in Webster or within 5 miles of finish? I think when we stop as early as 10-12 miles it really drags out the day. Don't get me wrong, I can honestly say I like our coffee stops, and I'm enjoying checking out the places to eat (especially in the city), but I want to keep things moving a bit. I think 5 hours to go 45 miles is plenty. That would be 4 hours of riding and 1 hour of sitting. Or about 3.75 hours of riding and a bit more sitting, which would work if there are two stops. One other note would be to try and time when we get to the first stop to avoid the lunch rush. I'd say we don't want to be anywhere between 11:30 and almost 1:00 on a Saturday. This may mean we break the 15 mile rule and stop early to avoid the croud, or we start a bit earlier to get down the road and still be ahead of the croud. Some of the shops we've hit recently have been painfully slow and long stops. Almost like doing two seperate rides.
I'll watch the blog to see what you all want to do.
I will look into how to loop onto Grant's trail. We might miss a hill or two though.
I was thinking the first coffee stop actually could be close to Mike's house, thats about 15 miles in for the rest of us. Mike could pick up the ride there, or join us at my house to ride back toward his. The stop I am thinking of is Belas Artes Coffee Shop at 1854 Russell Blvd.
The second stop will be at the Pony Expresso Cafe right at Clayton and close to Warson. Just a short 1 mile climb from my house.
This sounds pretty good. Any thoughts on riding on Sunday if Saturday weather is bad? Sunday's weather is looking up, but Saturday's is still looking iffy.
What is a guess for start time? 10:00 or 10:30? We don't want to hit that shop right at noon. With lights and stops it will probably take the better part of 75 minutes to get to the shop.
I'm in, weather permitting. If rained out Saturday, I'd at least like to get workout in at J. Sunday, I teach spinning 9a-11a.
I'm spinning with Cheri and Mark Sunday morning. We also do a core workout at 8 a.m. If the weather Saturday Stinks, I would be up for an abbreviated ride outside at 1pm.
I'm not sure what starts when. I think if we have good weather on Saturday the ride starts at Roark's at 10am. If there is bad weather on Saturday what starts when on Sunday?
Saturday's Ride Starts from my house at 10 am. If we dont ride Saturday due to inclement weather, I would be willing to ride at 1 pm, on an abbreviated ride of some sort.
OK. I think I've got it. 10 am on Saturday. If bad weather, 1pm on Sunday for a shorter ride?
I think that's it. Here are my new thoughts. The weather for Saturday is definitly going to stink unless something changes quite a bit in the next 24 hours. I'm leaning towards taking it easy around the house on Saturday and doing some work around the house. On Sunday I'd like to get a longer ride in, but realize there are quite a few doing other things before 1pm on sunday. So I might try and ride in the mid morning on Sunday, and work my way to Roark's house by 1pm so I can still get some longer miles in.. Then from there we can do a shorter ride from and to his house. I'll probably check with Dan Bauers group to see what they might have planned for Sunday too. If I find anything good I'll let you all know by regular e-mail.
Roark, how do I make sure this gets e-mailed out to everyone?
Sounds like a plan!
OK.... I just was informed about a Science Fair Commitment. I will not be able to ride Sunday. I will be at spinning and core workout.
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