Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sat, Sept 8 dinner at MS Bike Ride

I'm making dinner reservations at the Pasta Factory for Sat, Sept 8 at 6pm. It's Amanda's birthday. Please let me know if you'd like to join us so that I can have a number for the reservation.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Saturday August 25th Ride

Mark being the nice guy we all know, was planning an easy team ride for me this Saturday. He was placating his good friend Kathy. Of course Kathy turned him down as did the rest of my vaunted team.

This leaves Saturday open for a real ride! Mark still gets to lead, but from Kaldis in Chesterfield Valley. Unless there are objections lets plan to depart about 9:00 am. Breakfast starting at 8:15 am.

Weather Prediction
Saturday: Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms. High 88F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

Last update

Hello everyone,

The good news is I made it to Paris fine. The bad news is that it is rainy, miserable and I'm writing this e-mail.

I know we have all been tracking Mike and we are all so proud of him. Unfortunately, Mike was forced to abandon the race due to a knee issue outside of Tinteniac today.

I asked him if he wanted me to send out an e-mail but he said he would do it when he arrived back at the hotel. Unfortunately, it looks like it will be tomorrow before he returns because of logistics and I just couldn't keep everybody wondering any longer. Besides if he knew how we have all been glued to the computer screen he'd understand as well. So, I hope he will understand me writing this e-mail and I know you will await his official e-mail later.

He is safe and dry which is so important and he truly gave it his best shot. Others are trickling into the hotel-some completing it and some abandoning as well. One man said he rode 54 out of 62 miles in the rain and he heard this is the worst weather since 1963. I haven't seen Tom's e-mail pictures yet but believe me when I say they are all returning weathered and beat up from the ride.

Just wanted to say thanks for all your support and it's been fun tracking him together.

Thanks again, and with a new respect for Mike and all PBP riders,

Lynda Brady

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

No word from Mike yet

Hello Everyone,

Well, I haven't heard from Mike yet and the site shows him finishing Stage 5 at 1:49am Paris time (6:49pm STL time) so I bet he is exhausted and hopefully catching some quality sleep. I'll let you know if I hear anything from him before I leave tomorrow.

I'm flying out tomorrow and should arrive in Paris around 7:40 am Thursday and staying in a hotel in St. Quentin fairly close to the start/finish line. The "Plan" is for Mike to call me when he is a couple hours out and let me know so I can wait for him at the finish line. If all goes well I will log on at the hotel and send out an e-mail to alert you he is getting close to the finish!! I'll try to test the hotel internet before that point to make sure it will go through as planned. It will probably be short since my says the French keyboard is harder to type on.

Just a couple of items to pass on:

European dates are reverse of ours so August 20th is 20/08 in Europe
Their time is listed in military time using the 24hour clock so 12h is noon and 24h is midnight
"passe" means: past, after, beyond
"Carrefour" means intersection

Please keep Mike in your thoughts and prayers along with the other cyclists (especially the 80+ year old man who is riding again this year).


Lynda b.

Monday, August 20, 2007

First tracking of Mike

Yeah!!! A new message for him just popped up on the screen and it looks like he ended up departing at 10:30 instead of 9:30 or 10:00. This explains a lot. I'm hoping the numbers turn to green as he passes through them and before he gets to the actual checkpoint. This is really, really exciting!!!! Yeah!!! Gosh, maybe we should all be at Kaldi's having a tracking party!!! My adrenaline is pretty high right now as you can tell.

Lynda b.

Paris-Brest-Paris Tracking

Lynda....You must not be set up so that your blogs get emailed to everyone so I am re-posting for you.

On Aug 18, Lynda Brady wrote:

This is my first time blogging (you just never know what you'll do when your husband is out of the country:) ) so please excuse any faux pas I may make in posting this.

I know Mike has included many of you in his e-mails but I did want to post the following items for you.

I think I found the site where you can track him:

www.paris-brest-paris.org You can change the language to English by clicking on the British flag.

Select "The Ride" then "Rider Follow-up"Enter his number in "Track the Frame number" and hit search. In my best French the message states:

John Brady
The participant is registered but not yet left.

It also shows in the upper left hand corner: "D-1 before" which I am assuming is "one day before race day". Must be pretty exciting there. Sorry I didn't get to my e-mail earlier to pass on this info.

Also, he sent a link to www.parisbrestparis.tv which looks like it will have some live coverage of the event. Right now there is a little short clip with some interviews of a past PBP ride. It is in the bottom left-hand corner of the page and has some audio to it as well.

I actually spoke to Mike today and he seems to be enjoying himself. He was worried before he left about being bored but he said he isn't at all and is concentrating on adjusting to the French sleep schedule. He has met a couple of people and plans to start the ride with Bob who oversees the Brevet series in Kansas City. He's confident that he'll do well and I know we all are as well.

On a personal note thanks to all of you who have supported him along with this dream and many others. I really appreciate what great friends all of you are to him and I know he does too. Thanks Roark for including me on the blog and thanks Cheri for your earlier posting.

Hope everyone has a great weekend,

Lynda Brady

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Paris-Brest-Paris Tracking


This is my first time blogging (you just never know what you'll do when your husband is out of the country:) ) so please excuse any faux pas I may make in posting this.

I know Mike has included many of you in his e-mails but I did want to post the following items for you.

I think I found the site where you can track him:

www.paris-brest-paris.org You can change the language to English by clicking on the British flag.

Select "The Ride" then "Rider Follow-up"
Enter his number in "Track the Frame number" and hit search.

In my best French the message states:

John Brady
The participant is registered but not yet left.

It also shows in the upper left hand corner: "D-1 before" which I am assuming is "one day before race day". Must be pretty exciting there. Sorry I didn't get to my e-mail earlier to pass on this info.

Also, he sent a link to www.parisbrestparis.tv which looks like it will have some live coverage of the event. Right now there is a little short clip with some interviews of a past PBP ride. It is in the bottom left-hand corner of the page and has some audio to it as well.

I actually spoke to Mike today and he seems to be enjoying himself. He was worried before he left about being bored but he said he isn't at all and is concentrating on adjusting to the French sleep schedule. He has met a couple of people and plans to start the ride with Bob who oversees the Brevet series in Kansas City. He's confident that he'll do well and I know we all are as well.

On a personal note thanks to all of you who have supported him along with this dream and many others. I really appreciate what great friends all of you are to him and I know he does too. Thanks Roark for including me on the blog and thanks Cheri for your earlier posting.

Hope everyone has a great weekend,
Lynda Brady

Ride From Kaldis 8:00 am Sunday

Mark, Roark, & Bill will be riding from Kaldis in Chesterfield Valley at 8:00 am.

Figure 30-40 miles.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Paris-Brest-Paris News

8/17/07 Mike Brady wrote:

Maybe someone can post this to the blog for me.

I'll be doing a light spin from my hotel over to Paris and back - about a 35 mile round trip - no big deal.

I made it to Paris safe and sound. I put the bike together and all the lights and junk on it too. It looks like an overloaded semi. Didn't get to ride today, but didn't want to just yet. A nice spin tommorow and Sunday will be great though. The weather is mostly cloudy and a bit cool, but not too bad - and dry so far. The weather for the four days is looking pretty favorable.

I'll try and keep you all posted up to the start. Then after thqt maybe Lynda can post some news. She comes over on the 23 to meet me at the finish.

Things are going well,


Bicycle Fun Club Ride August 19

Anyone doing the bicycle fun club ride this Sunday?
Greg Hobson

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Last Day For Room At The Inn!


If you want a room from my MS 150 team's hotel block (Midway Budget), then you need to act before tommorow August 15th. At that point all the non taken rooms will be released back to the motel. Remember I have rooms at the base of the start.

You can reserve a room by calling: 573-445-9565


Monday, August 13, 2007

2008 Bike Trip

As you may know, we recently got back from Israel. While there, we thought about what it would be like to ride a bike there. What beautiful scenery! What climbs! What history!

A friend sent me information about the rides for 2008 in Israel. The email said....

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding two Israel Rides in 2008,
May 20-27, 2008 and November, 2008. Registration for both rides will open on Nov 1, 2007. Sign up (http://hazon.org/go.php?q=/misc/signup.html) for our mailing list to be notified of Ride details.

Here's the link to the rides....http://hazon.org/go.php?q=/rides/2007IL/aboutTheRide.html

The November one might be interesting since it will be winter here then. We can still get in some good riding half way around the world.

The fundraising is pretty steep, but thought I would throw it out there to see if there was any interest.

Let me know what you think.


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Saturday's Ride


Lets get this blogger blogging again!

Regarding the Beer & Brat 5 Star Century Ride

I am putting together my thoughts for this Saturday's ride. I am not sure I want to ride in this heat 100 miles, but don't let that stop anyone else. I am willing to go along for the first 62 mile loop. Hopefully we can get an early start, say 7 am so at least for the first 62 miles we beat a bit of the heat. If the group prefers to ride another loop I am up for that as well.

Just let me know.


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Bicycle Fun Club Ride August 5

Is anyone doing the Bicycle Fun Club Ride tomorrow, Sunday August 5?